In search of positive change:
learning from history - enabling a better future
What is it?
COVID-19 has brought many challenges. It has stretched us and stripped away some of our facades and defences. Our social constructs and economic interdependencies have suffered major ruptures. Considering the impact of this pandemic on our society and economy, we want to:
challenge the status quo and develop new perspectives
question some megatrends and reflect them in the light of recent events
rethink common behavior patterns and social structures and seek for alternative models
The post-COVID era has an economy shaped by new habits & regulations, challenging traditional business and lifestyle norms. Therefore, we want to put what we’ve learned into practice. Together, we will:
Develop new approaches and ways of thinking
Design blueprints and illustrative models
Build practical examples and implement pilot projects
Spheres of Activity
As think tank, we analyze the trends and behavior patterns that were most affected by or that gained the most importance during the COVID-19 crisis. We want to understand the effects of these changes for both the economy and our society.
However, as practically oriented entrepreneurs, we do not want to stop here. Together we develop and provide smart and feasible solutions.

About us
The Esther 414 team is a motley crew of about 10 people, coming from all four corners of Switzerland.
We have different education and professions, different life experiences and cultural backgrounds. And we speak different languages.
We work together in a multidimensional and cross-functional way.
We are practical thinkers and Spirit driven.
It's not about our career or our reputation, and we have no political agenda. We want to use our gifts, skills, resources and experiences to serve our society and economy; this in a modest and humble way.
Who are we?

Life motto: "awakening worlds"

Life motto:


Contact Us
Our Address
Montmirail 1
2075 La Tène